Spam is simply
All SmartEmailing clients agreed to an anti-spam policy and they acknowledge that if they violate any of the following rules, they will no longer be provided with the service without the right for compensation.
Own Built Database only
In accordance with European legislation, we allow to send business messages only to own customers or e-mail addresses with the given informed consent to the sending of business messages and consent to the processing of provided personal data. We do not support mailing to someone else’s purchased databases. Clients with the import of contacts confirm that they have the particular consents available.

Using the Unsubscribe Footer
The law requires using the unsubscribe link in every e-mail. To enable customers to easily unsubscribe, all clients use our prepared unsubscribe footer. The unsubscribe link must be clearly marked with the text leading to the logout page and it has to have a visible colour and font.
According to European legislation, this e-mail is a message from which you can unsubscribe here.
This e-mail is addressed to the owner of the e-mail address: smartjenejlepsi@gmail.com and the sender for SmartEmailing (SmartSelling a.s. with registered office: Netroufalky 797/5, 625 00 Brno, Identification Number: 29210372) is: podpora@smartemailing.cz.

of the Sender
Each campaign must include identification of the sender to let the customer know who is writing to them.
Marking the Business Message
According to the law every business message must be marked.

Do not put “business message” to the subject of the e-mail. The following text: “This e-mail is a business message according to the law”, is already in our footer. If you do not delete it intentionally, you do not have to deal with anything.

No Spam
Even Within the Law
– work with database
We guide all our clients to working correctly with their databases by segmenting the contacts according to interests and activity. We also consider sending e-mails 5 times a day to the entire database to be spam, even if you have a consent to send business messages.
What are we tracking?
Bounce: returned e-mail addresses
Rate of Unsubscribing
Representation of generic e-mail addresses
Individual Spam Reports
The Rate of Marking as Spam in the Inbox of the Recipient
Campaign Content
All of the above rules are used to ensure maximum delivery for your campaigns. If you have any questions about our antispam, please write to us at: podpora@smartemailing.cz